

H5 X Kinokuniya X Eightyfourcube

We are proud to announce that Eightyfourcube Studio Gallery has been invited to design a visual for 'Japan Attack' which will be H5's & Kinokuniya's theme for the month! 'Japan Attack' is a visual joyride of interesting books ranging from Japanese Manga all the way to Japanese J-Pop all found at Kinokuniya KLCC & H5 Bangsar Village. Do make sure to keep up with updates as we hear it is going to be massive with lots of goodies and happenings!!


Devilrobots Invades Space:Cube

They came, they drew, they conquered. DEVILROBOTS graced Eightyfourcube Studio Gallery and stole our hearts.

Need I say more? *grins*

It's still a major surreal feeling for us here at the studio - but it has definitely been an amazing opportunity to meet such lovely and humble individuals. Just had updates of so many brand new exciting products, so do make sure you add em up in DEVILROBOTS @ Facebook and we can't wait for their next trip to Malaysia!


fast sketch

helping a friend of ours, Myo from the band Ohchentaku to design a poster for his UK and Barcelona summer tour.
yes he's touring again! one rich bastard u are, handsome.

a very fast sketch (done everything in one night).